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There is no hiding the fact that over the past 10 years, the online buying experience has made a huge shift. Customers are more empowered online than ever, and instead of print advertisements, direct mail, and other outbound marketing tactics, many customers would rather educate themselves online before making a buying decision.

That’s why many companies now recognize the sheer importance of inbound and content marketing. And you may have already implemented some inbound marketing tactics to your marketing strategy. But actually putting it into practice enough to see and track legitimate results can be easier said than done.

So let’s say that you have put yourself out there. You’ve got a solid website, you are publishing content on it…But no one is looking at it...Awkward. Simply put, if you aren’t seeing the results you want when it comes to organic traffic on your website, it may be because your inbound strategy isn’t working as well for you as it could be. But, have hope—There are ways you can turn this around! Here are some ways to improve your inbound efforts in order to get visitors coming back to your website time after time…Growth mode marketing ebook download

1. Pay Attention to Your Keywords

Think of your keywords as the magic tool to get visitors to find and come to your site. These important words are the reason anonymous searchers can get to your website, producing higher levels of organic traffic. But in order for searchers to start this journey of researching these keywords, and thus clicking on your content to visit your site, they have to be interested in the content behind the search listing. That is why it is so important to tailor your content to suit your audience's needs and interests, which leads us to our next point.

2. Know Your Customers & Audience

The best way to know what those searchers want is to know who you are talking to since it’s your target audience who are the searchers you’re really trying to attract. So first, the best way to do this is to create target personas. Keywords focused on the problems that these personas face or are based on the interests and questions they may have are what you should be creating. Why? Because if you have content centered around information that helps solve their problems, searchers will find, visit, and re-visit your site.

3. Write Blog Posts on Questions and Topics People Need Answers To

Going along our previous point, we recommend writing blog posts, or any content for that matter, that are relevant to your personas and answering their questions so that when your persona searches these terms, your site appears in front of them. This will not only help to keep your site and brand top-of-mind next time that searcher is looking for help, but it also aids in building trust with your potential consumers.How-to-track-your-marketing-ROI

4. Be Consistent

Did you know that simply having a blog on your site can improve your ranking by up to nearly 434%? So obviously, Google rewards sites that publish consistent, informative, and quality content. But it’s not enough to just blog about keywords that are relevant to your audience whenever you have the extra time. If you want to attract visitors to drive sustained traffic to your site, you have to keep publishing content consistently as well. By regularly posting useful content targeted to search topics important to your business, as well as your target personas, you can increase your search engine rankings as well as your organic traffic. With that said, the more often you post, the more opportunities you have to strengthen your site.

5. Evaluate Your Website Structure and Workflow

If the current layout of your website is making it difficult and confusing for customers to get from point A to point B, you’ve got an issue to tend to. Website workflows and organization are an integral part of your website design. Say you have a visitor who found your website through a search engine result. Awesome! They are exploring your site for more resources and services. But if they cannot find the information they are looking for or are being sent in a confusing loop, they might get frustrated and leave without returning. Which is definitely not what you want! What does your website layout, organization, and workflow look like now, and how could you improve upon it? Are your blog pages, ebooks, contact forms, and other important content easy to find?

6. Expand Your Capacity

You know the power of inbound. You know it is an important tool in driving organic traffic to and improving SEO ranking. But you also know the time and intentionality to consistently make this happen, leading to more lead conversions and buying decisions on your website. That’s the ultimate goal after all, right? As we mentioned below, it is important to be consistent in your content and inbound marketing efforts, and if you feel like you can’t keep up long enough to see the results you want, it might be time to reach out to a team of experts who can help.

Thankfully, at fuze32 we are here for you and are ready to help both design your website and curate a quality inbound strategy for lead qualification. Contact us today to learn more about how inbound is an integral element of a well-rounded marketing strategy.Set-up-a-complimentary-consultation-with-fuze32

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