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Astoundingly, by the end of 2020, of those surveyed, some 98% of consumers said they visited a social network of some kind in the past month. This means that the majority of the population is at least sometimes on social media. 

This should matter to you because of the internet users surveyed, around 49% said that they are likely to buy from brands that they see advertised on social media. So, to put it most succinctly, your business in today’s modern age is wise to utilize social media advertising because you are meeting people where they are, where they spend time and where they enjoy hanging out.Why-fuze32-free-ebook

Social Media Isn’t Optional

In years past, perhaps a social media advertising focus would have been merely the icing on the cake of your established marketing strategy. However, today, with so many people spending time on these platforms, it has become a necessity for companies to incorporate social media advertising into their marketing mix if they want to stay relevant. 

Additionally, on a global scale, some three in every 10 social media users name social media as the primary way they research products before buying. Thankfully, we are happy to share with you some underpinnings of our established strategies, showcasing the basis of social media advertising on those platforms.

Facebook Ads

growth mode marketing ebook downloadFacebook alone has around 2.89 billion active users. As such, it is the undisputed front-runner of all social media networks. Suffice it to say, this platform gives you access to a huge amount of potential customers you can engage with through Facebook ads. In fact, according to many, Facebook excels at lead generation, which makes it ideal for eCommerce sites. Some notable features of Facebook ads you will want to know about include: 

  • The ability to fully customize your audience, which helps you target the right consumers for your products.
  • You receive cost-effective options for quality results regarding your advertising dollars.

  • You can select the devices you want to target and where you would like your ads to show up.

Common examples of social media advertising elements that work well on Facebook include the following and are often linked to a high-converting landing page with these as the hook to get the click:

  • Ebooks
  • Product coupons
  • Free shipping
  • Giveaways
  • Limited time offers
  • Sitewide discounts

Retargeting: The Power of the Facebook Pixel

When someone visits your website and takes an action, like a purchase, the Facebook pixel is triggered and reports this action. When more and more conversions happen on your website, Facebook gets better at delivering your ads to people who are more likely to take certain actions. You'll also have options to reach those customers again through future Facebook ads. The Facebook pixel’s capabilities also apply to Instagram ads, which we will dive into next…

Instagram Ads

Did you know that you can easily share the ads you run on Facebook on Instagram simply by clicking a single button? It’s true! Therefore, many businesses are opting to run ad campaigns simultaneously on Facebook and Instagram. While Instagram still doesn’t pull in the number of consumers that Facebook does—although Instagram users are still around 500 million monthly users alone—together, their reach is significant. For example, consider the fact that one in five mobile minutes is spent on Facebook and Instagram together. To put that number in context, that is more than the next 10 mobile platforms—combined! In addition, it’s worth noting that Instagram boasts a greater amount of engagement with rates that average 58% higher than those on Facebook and an astounding 2,000% higher than Twitter. 

Instagram is more video and image-heavy when compared with other platforms. The most successful ads on this platform are visually appealing and incorporate visual media into the campaigns. Instagram ads can even link directly to a landing page or product page, which further enhances your chance of meaningful engagement. The cost for Instagram ads averages about the same as Facebook ads.

Bottom Line: Social Media Advertising is Vital

Running optimized social media campaigns can help you reach more consumers, more efficiently than other methods. Contact us today to learn more about how to get started with a focused approach, aimed at getting sustained and measurable results.Set-up-a-complimentary-consultation-with-fuze32

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