fuze32 Marketing Blog

Social Media Marketing FAQs: What You Need To Know

Written by Cathy Atkins | Oct 12, 2021 2:00:00 PM

In today’s technology-driven society, it is vitally important to cultivate a healthy social media presence for your business. Failing to do so will leave you out of touch and reduce your amount of influence greatly.

Just consider the fact that some 420 billion people are active on social media as of 2020. That is a huge audience you are simply missing out on if your business doesn’t have an active and engaging social media presence. Thankfully, we have compiled a list of FAQs that will tell you everything you need to know about social media marketing to get you headed in the right direction.

1. Does My Business Really Need Social Media Marketing?

Yes, as mentioned above, the world has embraced the use of social media, so your business should also have a social media presence via social media marketing. Keep in mind that social media marketing doesn’t always look like a straightforward ad. It can include an interactive buying experience. Potential customers will often look you up, read reviews, and like you on social media platforms. What they see when they search for you is important, make sure you shape that image.

2. Do I Need a Social Media Manager?

Yes. It is ideal to have a social media manager on board that can help you get the most out of your social media presence. While you technically can do it yourself, and you do know your business best, the facts prove that it's even better to have someone on your side, working on your behalf who knows social media well.

3. How Do You Measure Social Media ROI?

The most basic way to measure your rate of return for your social media presence is to set your conversion goals and then track them. Some examples of applicable measurements to track include the following:

  • Reach.

  • Social media generated leads.

  • Customers, or leads that become customers.

  • Conversion rates.

4. How Much Time Do People Really Spend on Social Media?

The answer to this question might shock you as studies have shown that in 2019, the average social media user spent around one hour and 15 minutes daily using social media. Consequently, throughout the past two decades, it truly has become one of the primary marketing channels.

5. How Often Should I Post?

This depends on what platform or channel you are using. For example, each channel lends itself better to different posting schedules. The following is a good guideline to show you the differences between each channel:

  • Facebook: Post around twice daily at most. It has been shown that posting more than two times brings a significant drop in comments and likes.

  • Instagram: Post a maximum of once a day. Post additional, quality content more frequently on your Instagram stories. This is a great way to share user-generated content.

  • LinkedIn: Post around one time a day, twenty posts a month to reach around 60% of your audience.

6. What Kind of Content Should I Post?

Ideally, you will post content that will educate or entertain your target audience. In other words, it would be something that they would like to read or see. Understanding what to post is really as easy as understanding your customers.

7. What Social Media Channels Should I Be Focusing on?

Some of the most common social media networks are currently Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Becoming active on these social media platforms is an important step towards elevating your business’s online presence and reach.

8. What is the Difference Between a Social Media Ad and a Post?

An ad is a paid advertisement you share on social media. On Facebook, for example, you can opt for a Facebook ad that you can then customize and optimize for your audience through the ad manager. A post is a piece of content you place on your profile or timeline. You can choose to promote that post, though, which makes it behave similarly to an ad, though the ad still gives you more measurement and customization options.

Bottom Line: Social Media is a Must to Reach Today’s Consumers

Whether your business is currently on social media or not, it is okay to have questions! If you are looking to improve or up your social media game, our team at fuze32 would be happy to create a custom social media marketing plan for your business to help promote growth and solidify your online presence.