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Inbound marketing is a strategy that attracts consumer attention through valuable, online content. This content comes in the form of blogs, eBooks, videos, webinars, podcasts, infographics, whitepapers, and more. Content is then promoted using email marketing, social media, and even direct contact between sales teams and prospects. All content is strategically designed to educate consumers, urging them further down the buying funnel and moving them closer to making an informed purchase.

Such content improves SEO, allowing businesses to show up in Google searches. It also positions businesses as thought leaders, or experts, in their industry, thus building solid reputations and consumer trust. This educational content speaks to consumers in all stages of their buyer’s journey so that by the time they are ready to make a purchase, their decision is a no-brainer: They want to buy from the business who took the time to educate them in the first place!


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